It all starts when Mary Poppins is blown by the east wind onto the doorstep of the Banks house. She becomes a most unusual nanny to Jane, Michael, and the twins. Who else but Mary Poppins can slide up banisters, pull an entire armchair out of an empty carpetbag, and make a dose of medicine taste like delicious lime-juice cordial? A day with Mary Poppins is a day of magic and make-believe come to life!
This term, we are reading the story Mary Poppins in class. As well as this, we will be relating our writing topics to our Science and History work. We have recently retold the story Beowulf and written character descriptions for our Anglo-Saxon heroes.
Our Maths lessons follow the Maths No Problem scheme. This is an approach taught across the whole school. This half term, pupils will be learning mental strategies and formal written methods of multiplication and division, measurements (length, mass and volume) and reinforcing mental strategies of the four basic operations. Please continue to practise times tables at home as having instant recall of them is a much needed skill. We are also spending some time every afternoon improving our mental maths skills so that we can apply them in our daily maths lessons.
Spelling is initially taught as discrete lessons using the scheme No Nonsense Spelling, where pupils carry out activities and learn strategies that allow them to investigate different rules. Pupils are not given spelling lists to learn.
This half term our topic work will be based on the Anglo-Saxons. We will look at Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots. As part of our History learning, we will be going on our school trip to the Royal Armories where we will look at clothing, weapons and even watch an Anglo-Saxon duel! Follow us on twitter @OultonSchool to see pictures from our trip.
Science is taught through Science Weeks. This half term, Year 3 will be learning more about magnets and forces. Pupils will observe how magnets attract or repel, compare and group items based on whether they are magnetic or not and learn about different types of forces such as friction and gravity.