Y1: Let’s Cook!


The children will learn about numbers to 40. This will include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing within 40. They will also learn about shape and pattern and length and height. After each unit, they will complete a review to show what they have learnt. They will do this using lots of different equipment including cubes, counters and base 10. They will also use models such as tens frames and part-whole models and be encouraged to solve problems through jottings and pictures.

If you would like help in supporting your child in Maths, please look at our handy ‘Calculating in KS1’ guide.


Much of the children’s writing this half term will be closely linked to their Science work about plants. They will create an information poster to describe the plants they can and cannot eat. They will also retell the story of the ‘Enormous Turnip’ and recycle the plot to create their own exciting story.

Towards the end of the term, the children will retell the story ‘Stone soup’ and create a recipe to make their own delicious soup. They will also write invitations and create posters to advertise our soup kitchen.  We look forward to seeing you soon! Following this, the children will then write instructions to describe how to make a soup.

We encourage the children to think of their own sentences, start each sentence with a capital letter, make good attempts at spelling using their phonic knowledge and end each sentence with a full stop. Children are also encouraged to use the conjunction ‘and’ to extend their sentences.


Our focus this half term in Science is Plants. The children will identify, name and describe the basic structure of a variety of plants including deciduous and evergreen trees. Part of this learning will also include tasting plants, carrying out investigations, following instructions to plant their own seeds and observing plants over time.


The children will identify a range of shops which they can purchase different foods from and identify some foods that are grown locally, in the UK or overseas. They will locate fruit and vegetables on a map/globe, consider how the climate and seasons affect which fruits and vegetables are grown and link this to their understanding of the equator and northern/southern hemispheres.


The Sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo will inspire our artwork this half term. The children will be encouraged to describe the differences and similarities between the different practices and use their styles and techniques to create their own work.

Design Technology

The children will use their understanding of vegetables to design a healthy soup for themselves and others to enjoy. They will learn about the importance of food hygiene and be taught how to use cooking equipment carefully.

They will also design and make their own packaging (against a criteria) to store their soup. Once made, they will evaluate the taste of their soup and the effectiveness of their packaging. They will also suggest ways it could be improved or adapted.


Throughout this half term, the children will use a digital camera to capture their learning journey and an iPad to record their own cookery program. They will also learn how to retrieve, delete and store digital content.

Richard Horton

Author Richard Horton

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