If your child is not attending school, it is extremely important that you contact school to advise us of the reason for the absence. In line with our safeguarding policy we have a duty of care to our children to ensure that they are safe. We become increasingly concerned when we do not receive communication from parents/carers. This can result in time being spent phoning/sending texts/leaving voicemails and carrying out home visits.

We ask that you phone school on 0113 2821344 or text on 07786201172 (this is a free service) before 9am. Please programme these numbers into your phones. If you change your contact details, please advise the office immediately.
Please inform the school office rather than sending a message via the classroom staff.
If your child just says they are not feeling too well, but show no sign of sickness, upset stomach or fever then give medicine where appropriate, bring to school and advise the teacher. School will monitor the child and if their health deteriorates we will contact you.
School starts at 8.50am; please ensure that your child arrives before this time. Being late causes disruption to the class and upset to the child.
If you are required to take your child out of school during term time, you must complete a leave of absence request form, available from the school office. Although holidays during term time WILL NOT be authorised, a form must still be submitted. REMEMBER if you take your child out of school for a holiday you will run the risk of receiving a fixed penalty notice for the family.
If your child has a medical appointment, please bring a copy of the letter or appointment card to school, it will be copied for your child’s records. If we do not receive this the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. For mid-morning/afternoon appointments please try and enable the children to get their registration marks before being collected, this will avoid appointments impacting their attendance.
If your child’s attendance starts to cause concern you will be contacted to attend a meeting in school to discuss.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please contact school.
If your child has a medical appointment, please bring a copy of the letter or appointment card to school, it will be copied for your child’s records. If we do not receive this the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. For mid-morning/afternoon appointments please try and enable the children to get their registration marks before being collected, this will avoid appointments impacting their attendance.
If your child’s attendance starts to cause concern you will be contacted to attend a meeting in school to discuss.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please contact school.
0113 2821344
07786 201172