
At Oulton, we have a rich and varied curriculum.

Below is a brief synopsis of each subject and details of any schemes followed. Below, you will find a breakdown of the curriculum for each year group. We follow the National Curriculum for England. Please also read our whole school intent document which outlines our aims and vision for our curriculum.


We use the Maths No Problem Primary Maths Series from Year 1 to Year 6.

It is a child-centred approach that focuses on problem solving, paired work and pictorial representations. The series closely follows the National Curriculum objectives for each year group.

Teaching maths for mastery is a transformational approach to maths teaching which stems from high performing Asian nations such as Singapore. When taught to master maths, children develop their mathematical fluency without resorting to rote learning and are able to solve non-routine maths problems without having to memorise procedures.

Today, maths textbooks based on the Singapore Maths approach are being used in thousands of schools across the UK and have been widely adopted by the Department for Education’s Maths Hubs. Alongside the textbooks and workbooks, children use maths jotters.

Parents’ Videos can be found by following the below link.

Parent Videos
Curriculum Intent


We use the Maths No Problem Primary Maths Series from Year 1 to Year 6.

It is a child-centred approach that focuses on problem solving, paired work and pictorial representations. The series closely follows the National Curriculum objectives for each year group.

Teaching maths for mastery is a transformational approach to maths teaching which stems from high performing Asian nations such as Singapore. When taught to master maths, children develop their mathematical fluency without resorting to rote learning and are able to solve non-routine maths problems without having to memorise procedures.

Today, maths textbooks based on the Singapore Maths approach are being used in thousands of schools across the UK and have been widely adopted by the Department for Education’s Maths Hubs. Alongside the textbooks and workbooks, children use maths jotters.

Parent Videos
Curriculum Intent


At Oulton, the teaching of English is the foundation of our curriculum. Lessons are planned and taught following the National Curriculum. Most of our English lessons are linked to the wider curriculum or a text. Children are exposed to high quality texts to develop their spoken language, reading and writing. Our curriculum develops children’s ability to articulate their ideas and communicate effectively.

You can find out a little more about how our English curriculum is delivered in the following sections: Spoken Language, Reading, Spelling, Writing and Phonics.

Spoken Language:

We place a huge importance on spoken language at Oulton Primary School. We want our pupils to be effective communicators with an ability to articulate their opinions and views. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions to help them extend their understanding and knowledge. The link between spoken language and writing is an important one and we believe that being strong and effective communicators will support our children to become resilient and confident writers.


At Oulton, we develop a love of reading in all our pupils and want children to leave us as confident, fluent readers. Reading is taught discretely through Phonics lessons in KS1 and Reciprocal Reading sessions in KS2 but it underpins our whole curriculum.

Reading is promoted in a range of ways throughout school. Children have access to the school library and a reading area within their class. Class stories and texts are shared daily with the children to encourage this love of reading. Authors have visited our school to discuss their books with the children and we take part in celebrating World Book Day and World Poetry Day.

Children take home fully decodable texts linked to the Read, Write, Inc Phonics scheme. When they are reading with fluency, they access the book band scheme ranging from Lime – Dark Red. Children have opportunities to read these books independently in class and 1:1 with an adult.

It is essential that our children are reading at home. To encourage this, school promotes the ‘Eager Reader’ scheme which rewards children for reading four or more times with an adult weekly. Children receive certificates, earn badges and half-termly rewards for their participation.

You can find more about how we teach and develop early reading in the Phonics section below. Please see the Reading section of our website which offers advice on how to support your child with their reading and information on the texts that each year group reads.

Curriculum Intent
Supporting reading


Spelling work is focussed around the rules of spelling. Pupils are given rules and examples to learn and apply rather than weekly lists of words. Alongside these rules, pupils also need to learn the required word lists for their year group as set out in the National Curriculum.

Spelling is taught through Read, Write, Inc Phonics sessions for our EYFS and KS1 children. Once children finish the Read, Write, Inc. programme, children move to the Read, Write, Inc. spelling programme until the end of KS2. While spelling lessons are taught discretely, it is also addressed throughout writing sessions and the wider-curriculum.


Phonics is the teaching of sounds (phonemes) and linking them to the letters that represent them (graphemes). It develops children’s early reading and spelling. Discrete phonics sessions are taught in Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 and to those children further up school who need additional support. Phonic skills continue to be taught as part of the English curriculum throughout school to support children’s reading and spelling.

School use the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ Phonics scheme. This scheme teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly and compose their ideas step-by-step. The children are grouped according to their phoneme knowledge so that they are able to focus on the key skills that they need such as oral blending, speedy reading and the recognition of different graphemes. Children are regularly assessed to ensure that they are in the correct group and to help them to make accelerated progress. If a child is struggling with a particular skill or sound, they access 1:1 tutoring sessions regularly to enable them to make further progress. Children accessing the Read, Write, Inc programme will bring home fully decodable texts linked to their learning in school.

You can find more information on the Read, Write, Inc Phonics scheme and how you can support your child  in the Reading section of our school website.

Read, Write, Inc Guide
Curriculum Intent


Phonics is the teaching of sounds (phonemes) and linking them to the letters that represent them (graphemes). It develops children’s early reading and spelling. Discrete phonics sessions are taught in Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 and to those children further up school who need additional support. Phonic skills continue to be taught as part of the English curriculum throughout school to support children’s reading and spelling.

School use the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ Phonics scheme. This scheme teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly and compose their ideas step-by-step. The children are grouped according to their phoneme knowledge so that they are able to focus on the key skills that they need such as oral blending, speedy reading and the recognition of different graphemes. Children are regularly assessed to ensure that they are in the correct group and to help them to make accelerated progress. If a child is struggling with a particular skill or sound, they access 1:1 tutoring sessions regularly to enable them to make further progress. Children accessing the Read, Write, Inc programme will bring home fully decodable texts linked to their learning in school.

You can find more information on the Read, Write, Inc Phonics scheme and how you can support your child  in the Reading section of our school website.

Read, Write, Inc Guide
Curriculum Intent


At Oulton, we want all our children to be able to communicate effectively through their writing and to be able to write for a range of purposes and audiences. Writing sessions are often linked to a class text or the wider-curriculum topic. We aim to develop children’s technical skills in writing alongside developing their creativity and knowledge of the wider world. We want our children to enjoy writing and to see themselves as writers. Pupils are able taught to make appropriate language choices in their writing and to communicate their ideas effectively for their audience. Children’s writing skills are built upon each year as they progress through school.

Curriculum Intent


Our Science curriculum provides children with a greater understanding of the world. At Oulton, we seek to cultivate a spirit of enquiry in our pupils through practical exploration and investigation activities. There is a large focus on the children learning to work scientifically, which includes observing over time; identifying; classifying and fair testing. We teach our children to use their inquisitive nature to build upon prior learning, ask questions to extend their scientific understanding and to suggest ways to test their theories.

Each year, the children participate in a Science Fair which allows children to participate in a range of enquiry activities and also allows each class to show what they have learnt during the year.

Curriculum Intent


The use of computing is an integral part of the school life and is a key skill for everyday life. Computers, tablets, programmable robots, the internet, digital cameras and recorders can be used to acquire, organise, store, manipulate, interpret, communicate and present information. As such, Oulton Primary School recognises that its pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively.

We follow the National Curriculum and this is structured using the school’s bespoke computing scheme of work which is supplemented by ‘Purple Mash’ resources. E-Safety plays a central role in each unit and year groups have specific E-Safety content; it is expected that safe and responsible use is at the heart of every computing lesson and actively promoted.

Curriculum Intent


We provide a broad and balanced Religious Education curriculum, underpinned by essential skills which help equip our young people for adult life and lifelong learning.

Planning for Religious Education is based on the Leeds Agreed Syllabus, a document which aims for pupils to develop as tolerant young people with respect and understanding of the views of others, including the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views.

Through their study of RE, our pupil’s will gain a greater understanding of the identity and diversity of their local community.  Teaching and learning is focused around investigation and challenging children to reflect on key questions which are relevant and engaging. They will also have the opportunity to study religious and non- religious approaches to life as well as explore personal questions.

Curriculum Intent


History teaching encourages our children to begin to think like historians. Planning for History is based on the skills that are detailed in the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2, and in the Understanding of the World aspect of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework for EYFS.  As children move through school, they develop the key skills of: chronological understanding, historical enquiry, organisation and communication and knowledge and interpretation.

We place an emphasis on examining historical artefacts and primary sources where possible. Where it is appropriate, our children are offered the opportunity to visit sites of historical significance, such as Armley Mills. We encourage visitors to come into school to give our children the chance to experience living history days.

Curriculum Intent


In the Early Years Foundation Stage, PSHE is taught through a themed  approach in line with the prime area of learning: Personal Social and Emotional Development. It is divided into three strands, Making Relationships, Self Confidence and Self Awareness, and Managing Feelings and Behaviour. Our children begin to explore simple PSED concepts in Nursery and by the end of the EYFS, our children are expected to have met the following Early Learning Goals.

KS1 and KS2 are using the Leeds Primary PSHE scheme of work to support our teaching. This scheme itself is a spiral curriculum within school and covers RSE, drug education, citizenship, financial capability, behaviour and safety, mental health, healthy eating and physical activity. We use the scheme to help deliver a need led curriculum which will enable pupils to develop the knowledge and skills needed to make safe and healthy choices.

Curriculum Intent


We provide the children with an enriched curriculum that motivates the children to develop these skills and to become confident Geographers both inside and outside of the classroom. This has included residential trips, local visits and local walks. To ensure learning remains motivational and contextual, we offer a cross curricular approach which entails integrating the Geography objectives outlined in the National Curriculum into other subjects, when appropriate.

As children progress through school, we aim to develop these key skills: locational/place knowledge, fieldwork skills, local area studies and physical and human geography knowledge.

Curriculum Intent


We provide the children with an enriched curriculum that motivates the children to develop these skills and to become confident Geographers both inside and outside of the classroom. This has included residential trips, local visits and local walks. To ensure learning remains motivational and contextual, we offer a cross curricular approach which entails integrating the Geography objectives outlined in the National Curriculum into other subjects, when appropriate.

As children progress through school, we aim to develop these key skills: locational/place knowledge, fieldwork skills, local area studies and physical and human geography know

Curriculum Intent


At Oulton, all children are given access to two hours of PE per week with each lesson based around the National Curriculum. All children are taught dance, gymnastics, O.A.A, athletics and a wide variety of competitive games such as cricket, golf, badminton and netball. Children in Year 5 also access one hour of swimming lessons.

Through our PE lessons, we aim for all children to develop the fundamental skills needed to access all sport such as balance and agility, as well as developing sport specific skills. Children are also taught about the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle and how to achieve this.

Curriculum Intent


At Oulton Primary School we plan for art based on the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, and in the Expressive Arts aspect of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework for EYFS. Children are assessed in art against the statements in the National Curriculum. Art, where possible, is approached in a cross curricular manner and linked to each year groups topics. A high-quality art education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

Curriculum Intent


 For Design and Technology, we follow the National Curriculum throughout school. D&T is often linked to our topics, where possible. Our D&T process usually follows a design, build and evaluate structure. Children are assessed against the statements in the National Curriculum.

Curriculum Intent


At Oulton we use “Music Express” to support the delivery of the music curriculum throughout school making links across the curriculum where possible.

The children learn many songs and use them to investigate the musical elements of rhythm, pitch, timbre, composing, improvisation and listening.

In KS2, children have the opportunity to learn an instrument during whole class lessons. Currently, pupils are learning the djembe in Y3/4.

By the time children leave our school they can sing and discuss music, compose their own simple pitched tunes and are able to write them, using musical notation.

Curriculum Intent


At Oulton we learn Spanish as our modern foreign language, and deliver this using the “Twinkl Planit” Spanish scheme for years 3-6.

The children speak, read and write Spanish from the very beginning and by the time they reach Year 6 they can introduce themselves, tell people about their likes and dislikes, pets, family and they can also order in shops and restaurants and find their way around a Spanish town.

In the EYFS, MFL fits within People and Communities. As part of this Area of Learning, children engage with role play, songs, stories and specific activities to develop an understanding and sensitivity to the similarities and differences between themselves and others, including languages. Children are also given opportunities to look at daily life, traditions, and celebrations from around the world, and as part of this, they may be exposed to other languages. This is built on further in KS1, where the exploration of language is linked with topics when applicable, for example, the ‘Where in the World’ topic studied in Year One.

Curriculum Intent