All young people should have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. A positive experience of sport and physical activity in Primary Schools can encourage children to become life long active people.
Physical activity has numerous benefits for children and young people’s physical health, as well as their mental wellbeing (increasing self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and lowering anxiety and depression), and children who are physically active are happier, more resilient and more trusting of their peers. PE gives all pupils, irrespective of age, gender, abilities or ethnicity, opportunities for participation, enjoyment and success. As a school, we aim to promote enjoyment of exercise and knowledge of fitness in all pupils that will hopefully be continued into adulthood, as part of a healthy lifestyle.
All pupils are given weekly access to :-
2 hours of curriculum P.E each week which takes the form of swimming, P.E or Games.
1+ hour(s) of an extra-curricular (sporting/active) club each week (optional).
2 X 30 minute PE sessions at lunch time (optional) delivered by trained coaches.
After school and lunch time clubs are delivered by trained coached from Elite Kids Coaching. The Sports Premium helps provide these sessions and, since beginning, has resulted in a significant improvement in behaviour, engagement in sport, team work between children and children feeling more energised in the afternoons.
Funding is used to improve school provision in curriculum time as well as further extend extra-curricular opportunities. As a school, we are free to determine how this money is spent to improve the quality and breadth of P.E and Sport provision.
At Oulton, there is a clear action plan in place, outlining key areas of development and how this money will be spent and monitored. (Action plan is attached at the bottom of the page).
We encourage pupils to take as many opportunities as possible and all staff are welcome to support us in our adventures.
Inter and Intra School athletics (whole school involvement, in lesson time)
School Sports activities: e.g. football and netball tournaments, x-country, sports hall athletics etc.
PE Premium Spending
In recent years, we have spent our Sports Premium in line with the 5 Key Principles of PESSPA provided by the DfE. Please see the document titled ‘Evidencing The Impact of Primary PE and Sports Premium’ to see a full breakdown of how we have spent our Sports Premium in recent years against these 5 Key Indicators.
These indicators focus on:
- Engaging all pupils in regular activity
- The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school and used as a tool for school improvement
- CPD for staff
- Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- Increased participation in competitive sports
As a school, we pay into the Leeds Schools Sports Association (LSSA) (£1800 p/a). As part of this, we have access to free staff CPD through various coaches, online learning or 1 day training programmes. In the past, this has mainly been accessed by Key Stage 1 staff and the PE subject leader.
This also entitles us to regular sports competitions and activities, as well as giving us the chance to experience new sporting activities such as triathlons, water aerobics, golf, Total Warrior competitions, Inclusive Sports Hall Athletics and swimming competitions. We also contribute to the Y6 residential trip to Ingleborough, paying £1350 to cover the cost of trained staff to take the children caving and allowing them to Gorge Walk.
Oulton delivers all clubs free of charge as staff give their time for free. Some of the funding has therefore been used to ensure resources match the needs. For example: hurdles have been bought for the athletics club. These will also be used for KS2 athletics curriculum teaching. Football posts have also been resourced for football club. These purchases will also help Oulton participate in both inter-school and intra-school competitions which will help promote physically active children.
Please see below for our Sports Premium breakdown.