Safety online

The internet is a wonderful and life enhancing invention and many of us use it in our daily lives.

The internet is a wonderful and life enhancing invention and many of us use it in our daily lives. Phones, tablets, computers, game consoles and even DVD players are capable of accessing the internet. You will be aware the internet hosts many exciting opportunities for education. The online world is a wonderful place for young people to explore, with unprecedented opportunities for learning and creativity, but just like the real world there are risks and dangers they should be aware of and which we should all act to protect them from. As a school, we encourage the use of technology as an important part of our students’ development but always want them to spend their time online safely. As a parent/carer you can play a significant part in ensuring this.


Safety online

At school, pupils engage with a rigorous e-safety curriculum.

The school network is extremely secure and protected by numerous filters. This means that pupils are unlikely to encounter an e-safety issue whilst at school. However, out of school, in a more open environment, pupils are more likely to encounter an e-safety issue. This can be a daunting concept for many parents; often there is a feeling that pupils know more than parents!

If you feel like this, then please do not despair! There is a lot of support available to parents to help them to keep their children safe whilst using technology at home. School will support parents wherever possible.  The school’s Child Protection Designates, are always willing to offer advice and support to parents. You can contact them on the school number. The school sends a monthly E-safety newsletter. Our recent editions can be found on this page.


If you believe that your child is a victim of cyber bullying,

please contact the school to discuss the issue further.

The school takes all type of bullying seriously and will do its upmost to bring those responsible to account. Remember, if your child has been sent an offensive or bullying message, DO NOT DELETE IT, as this is valuable evidence.

Just a few simple steps by you can help keep them safe and give young people the awareness to know what to do if they feel uncomfortable about anything they encounter while on the internet.

If you do not wish for your child to be able to access any inappropriate content online, please ensure that their computers, laptops and other devices with internet access are all fitted with parental controls.

You can find free downloadable versions online or you can contact your internet service provider (such as BT, Talk Talk, Sky) for more information.

As a minimum, please set parental controls on your search engines, Youtube account and the mobile phone your child uses.

One of the most popular search engines in the world is Google. You can visit Google’s informative safetycentre for simple step by step guides.

There is also a lot of advice available from the Thinkuknow website. There are numerous resources and fact sheets available that support the work we do in school. Thinkuknow is run by CEOP, a police organisation who host the report abuse button.

Click the button to the left for useful video guides showing you how to set up parental controls on a range of devices.

Online Safety Guides