Parent Information
Whether you are parents making the important decision of choosing a school for the very first time or parents with children already at our school, I am sure you will find lots of things to keep you well informed and up to date with life and learning at Oulton Primary School. We hope you find everything you need to keep you well informed. Please contact the school office if you would like any further information.
Visits for prospective parents are always warmly welcomed. We are very proud of our school and how hard our children work- this is always something that parents comment on following a visit. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.
Visits for prospective parents are always warmly welcomed. We are very proud of our school and how hard our children work- this is always something that parents comment on following a visit. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.
When can I hear about my child’s progress?
What can I do if I am worried about my child?
A number of parent events are held each year. In July, there is a general class talk informing you about the curriculum and important information about your child’s next year group.
We have two formal parents’ evenings during the academic year. The Autumn Parents’ Evening is used to explain to you how your child is doing in the class, how they have settled and to discuss any areas for development. The Parents’ Evening in the spring term provides an opportunity for an in-depth discussion between yourselves and teachers about your child’s progress. Before the Spring Parents’ Evening, we send a mid-year report home that indicates how your child is doing; this is to allow you to know a bit more about your child’s progress before the meeting so that you can ask any relevant questions. In the Summer term, each child receives a written end of year report.
Remember, you do not need to wait until one of these events to raise a concern or ask a question about your child’s learning.
There is an open-door policy of easy access to the Teachers, Phase Leaders and Deputy/Head Teacher. The staff are always available at drop off in the morning if you need to speak to them. If you have any concerns that take up more time than a short conversation in the morning, you can make an appointment with the Class Teacher before or after school. We can also arrange to call you at a convenient time.
Please talk to your child’s Class Teacher in the first instance. If they are unable to help you or you require further support, please then contact your child’s Phase Leader. If you still require further information, please then talk to the office to arrange an appointment with the Deputy Head Teacher or Head Teacher. In most cases, the Class Teacher and/or Phase Leaders will be able to help with your query.