Oulton Primary School’s Uniform
Royal blue Oulton sweatshirt or plain royal blue sweatshirt
Royal blue Oulton cardigan or plain royal blue cardigan
White or royal blue polo shirt (with or without Oulton logo)
Smart black or grey trousers/skirt, or pinafore dress
Smart black or grey shorts/Blue and white checked/striped summer dress
Shoes or Trainers - These should be a plain black and safe for running about.
Coat (waterproof)
Book bag
White short sleeved T-shirt (plain)
Blue/Black shorts
Plain tracksuit bottoms (winter)
Trainers (outdoor)
PE bag for kit
PE Kit
PE Kit
White short sleeved T-shirt (plain)
Blue/Black shorts
Plain tracksuit bottoms (winter)
Trainers (outdoor)
PE bag for kit
Health and Safety
For Health and Safety reasons, all pupils with long hair should tie it back during any PE or sports activity, and all ear-rings or jewellery should be removed by the pupil.
Due to the numbers of pupils and nature of activities conducted the wearing of Fitbits and any other watches during P.E. is not allowed; this reflects national safety guidance.
At the end of Year 4, children will be given information about Year 5 swimming lessons, and the kit that they will need.
General information
All uniform items should be clearly named – sadly we have many items left in the lost property box at the end of each term.
No items of jewellery should be worn at all; if a child wears a wristwatch, it is their responsibility.
No ear-rings should be worn; if children have pierced ears, they must wear flat studs, no jewels or hoops or dangly ear-rings as these may get caught and cause injury. For PE, all studs should be removed by the child – it is not considered safe to cover studs with tape during PE lessons. School will not be responsible for injury caused when children wear ear-rings/studs or jewellery.
Hair – long hair must be tied back. Hair should not be dyed; it must not be cut into a Mohican or have shaved patterns.
No make-up or nail varnish or temporary tattoos or “fake tan” should be worn.
Unfortunately, school cannot take any responsibility for Fitbits/watches that are lost or damaged during the school day. Pupils are not permitted to wear other ‘smart’ or ‘connected’ watches. This is for safeguarding reasons as this could potentially open pupils up to a range of e-safety issues and concerns.
Our children look very smart in their uniform and it helps them to feel part of Oulton Primary School – we are always proud to take them out on visits and for other people to know we are from Oulton!
Second Hand Uniform
As a school, we know that school uniform can be expensive. Although we offer a range of branded uniform items, parents are free to choose to dress their child/ren in, the same colour, non-branded equivalent from high street supermarkets/shops, online market places and pre-loved uniform shops. There is no requirement for children to wear any branded items.
School has established a second hand uniform exchange which offers parents a range of pre-loved uniform (some branded and some non-branded). You are always welcome to ask at the school office to look at the selection we have available- we offer items free of charge with the option of a voluntary contribution (pay as you feel). We are always happy to accept donations of uniform to add to our range.
We also support the Leeds Uniform Exchange- a link to their website next to this section.
School uniform can be purchased from a variety of shops and main supermarkets. Check out some suppliers below.
Graham Briggs School Outfitters
email: graham-briggs@outlook.com
tel: 07502 009563
Better and Bright, Castleford Market
01977 557196
Orders can be placed through their website. If you do wish to purchase through them, they will donate 5% of the value of your order to the school: www.myclothing.com