
Both Year 5 and 6 have been working hard in their English lessons to discovers Myths and Legends from Ancient Greece. We have studied the story of Hercules and will be rewriting our own version.

In non fiction writing we will be exploring the lives of famous astronauts and creating a biography of an astronaut of our choice.
For the final part of the term, both year groups will be beginning our exciting WW2 topic and writing our own postcards based on the fantastic book and film of Goodnight Mr Tom.


To start the half term, Year 5 will be recapping their multiplication and division skills through exploring word problems. Following this, they will be learning about fractions. Children will be focusing on comparing and ordering fractions, finding equivalent fractions, and adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions. Year 5 will also have the opportunity to develop their understanding of reading and interpreting different types of data.

Year 6 will start the half term by focusing on units of measurement. They will be using our understanding of multiplying by multiples of ten to help them convert between centimetres and millimetres, centimetres and metres as well as grams and kilograms and millilitres and litres. Once this topic is finished, Year 6 will move onto percentages. Within the topic, they will be considering and exploring the relationship between percentages, fractions and decimals. They will also begin to strengthen their mathematical skills when using percentages to solve a range of questions.


We will be learning about Earth and Space in their upcoming Science Week. During this week, they will be investigating and exploring the movement of our Solar System and how this relates to every day life. They will be describing the movement of Earth, and other planets, in relation to the sun and moon. Children will also get the opportunity to learn about why we have seasons and rotations during day and night.


In History, Years 5 and 6 will be learning about Ancient Greece. They will find out what life was like for Spartans and Athenians and make links to our lives in the present day. They will also explore the role of archaeologists in finding out about ancient history and even take part in their own mini archaeological dig!


This half term, Year 5 and 6 are exploring ‘Growth’ during their music lessons. They will be learning new songs, something they really enjoy, and incorporating body percussion and instruments to enhance their skills.


Our PE focus for this half term are OAA and Dance. All classes will be accessing two hours of PE every week and all children in Year 5 will continue to access swimming lessons on Tuesdays at Rothwell Leisure Centre. Please see below which sports your class will be learning.

Oulton Primary School

Author Oulton Primary School

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