We are starting our new class book: ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ by Emma Carroll…

‘The parcel was sent by a famous Egyptologist who has just been found dead! Is the curse of Tutankhamun the cause? Lil decides, with the help of her new friends, Tulip and Oz, that the only way to help her grandad is to return the package to its rightful resting place in Egypt…
In our English, we will be continuing with our extended narrative ‘The Journey.’ This will be chance for us to use all taught SPaG across UKS2 and allow us to focus on how we use punctuation and vocabulary to engage and interest the reader. We will also be focusing on how our writing style needs to change depending on the audience and the purpose of our writing. This will take several eeks and we will hopefully be able to share these stories with children in other classes.
Year 6 We will be consolidating aspects of our learning by revisiting certain mathematical concepts throughout the year.
Year 5 will be moving on to area and perimeter, we will also be focusing on volume and having fun learning Roman Numerals.

In Geography, we are going to be exploring the changes to Leeds and the UK. We will be developing our map reading skills especially of the local area of Leeds and our surroundings of Oulton. We will explore the human geography and how this relates to our environment especially how the population has grown and how this has affected how humans commute to other places. We will then conduct a local field trip to enquire which place has the busiest use of the local transport and make a prediction on what the local area may look like in the future.
In Science we will be exploring Light. Through this topic they will: recognise how light travels; understand how objects are seen and explore how shadows are formed. This work will lead on nicely from their Earth and Space topic last year and Light topic in Year 3.
PSHE is taught through discussion. UKS2 will be continuing our learning about Identity, Society and Equality, focusing on the experiences of refugees, human rights and about homelessness in our society.
In Spanish this final half term, both year groups will continue to focus on ‘My world’. In this unit, the classes will apply previous skills and knowledge of topic areas such as family, animals and homes to extend their conversation abilities. Children will learn how Spanish adjectives must ‘agree’ with the noun they describe, in relation to both number and gender.
Design Technology:
In DT this half term, we will be focusing on building innovative, functional and appealing structures that are fit for purpose. Children will explore and evidence how products can be made stronger and more stable. Then use finishing techniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of their own model design.
We are going to be studying the ‘Celebration’ unit, with a musical focus on performance. Children will learn how music can provide a lively and upbeat mood. We will be learning celebratory songs from other cultures and work together to build a performance of our own by using body movements with song too. This also links to our year 6 who will be developing their acting skills and singing repertoire for their upcoming musical stage performance of ‘Cinderella.’ Make sure you book your tickets when they become available – It’s going to be a great show.
Our PE focus for this half term are Cricket and Gymnastics. All classes will be accessing two hours of PE every week and all children in Year 6 will continue to access swimming lessons which is now back to its original date of Tuesday and at Rothwell Leisure Centres the new pool is now up and running. Please see below which sports your class will be learning.
Jellyfish: Cricket and Swimming
Starfish: Cricket and Swimming
Octopus: Cricket and Athletics