News 03/06/2024 Teaching and Learning in UKS2 – Summer 2 We are starting our new class book: ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ by Emma Carroll...… Oulton Primary School Love0
News 17/04/2024 Teaching and Learning in UKS2 – Summer 1 This half term, we will be starting a new class text. ‘Secrets of a Sun… Oulton Primary School Love0
News 12/03/2024 Learning in KS1 – Spring 2 Where in the World? This half term, each class in KS1 will be learning about… Oulton Primary School Love0
News 12/03/2024 Teaching and Learning in UKS2 – Spring 2 English:In our English, we will be looking at developing our writing skills by studying different… Oulton Primary School Love0
NewsNewsletter 17/02/2022 Pupil Voice Pupil Voice have been busy since the class representative elections. They have enjoyed making plans… Oulton Primary School Love0
NewsYear 3Year 4 07/01/2022 Teaching and Learning in LKS2 – Spring 1 English We will write a range of fiction and non-fiction genres this half term, some… Oulton Primary School Love1
News 01/04/2021 Y5 Summer 1 Raging Rivers We are continuing to read our class text 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell for this… Oulton Primary School Love0
Year 6 09/11/2020 Teaching and Learning in Year 6-Autumn We've got another busy half-term ahead of us in Year 6 but we're very excited… Oulton Primary School Love2
Year 3Year 4 06/11/2020 Year 3/4 Teaching and Learning – Autumn 2 After a busy first half term in Year 3/4, we are very much looking forward… Oulton Primary School Love2
Year 2 27/09/2020 Me and My World Welcome to Year Two! It is wonderful to see all the children back and ready… Oulton Primary School Love2