Summer 1
We have already had an amazing start to the summer term. We are looking at the topic of Waterways, which will be accompanied by a walk to Woodlesford Lock.
Our walks will take place on the dates bellow.
Stingrays – 30th April 2024
Blue Tangs 2nd May 2024
Pufferfish, 3rd May 2024
A busy half-term ahead, but we are excited to learn!
We have started the term by looking at an extended narrative based on the picture book ‘Leon and the Place Between’. The children have become really invested in the story so far and have lots of questions and predictions.
At the end of the half-term, we will also be looking at non-fiction writing which will be in the form of an information leaflet, linked to their science topic of plants.
Our class book this half-term is, ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’. It follows the story of an ordinary boy who finds fame after telling a local news reporter exactly what he would do if he were leader of the country.
We have previously read extracts of this book in our Guided Reading sessions. The children really enjoyed the funny and witty characters, as well as the exciting storyline.
It is important that the children apply what they have learnt in their daily spelling lessons, so please don’t forget to keep practicing the spelling rules identified within their logbooks each week.
At the start of the term, Year 3 are going start their topic on time, before learning about picture graphs and bar graphs. Year 4 will begin to learn about decimals, money and measurements. Throughout, the children in LKS2 will continue to use mental arithmetic, structural apparatus, jottings and column method to solve one step and two step word problems.
During their fluency lessons, the children will also revisit a range of strategies they can use to solve mixed calculations with speed, efficiency, and accuracy.
We are keen for the children to become fluent with all their times tables, so extra practise at home is essential.
Our Geography topic for this half-term is ‘UK Waterways’. We will be looking at the features of rivers and canals as well as locating them on a map of the UK. We will use our walk to Woodlesford Lock, to collect data around physical and human geographical features. We will also explore the use of canals and rivers both in the present and past.
In science week this half-term, we will be learning more about plants. We will look at the different parts of a plant, what plants need to grow and survive. Alongside how water is transported through plants and their life cycle.
Over this half-term we will be focusing on ‘Identity, society and equality: Celebrating Differences’ We will be looking at different types of communities, diversities, traditions and cultures. As well as valuing the similarities and differences between themselves and others.
This term we will be focusing on time. Looking at developing our understanding of beat, metre and rhythm. We will do this through listening to a range of audios and using a variety of instruments to create percussion.
Pufferfish are being taught by Leeds Education to play the djembe. They are really enjoying it so far.
Pufferfish and Blue Tangs will be putting their editing skills to the test to crop, rotate and adjust the colour of images. They are currently having lots of fun trying to copy and paste images to different platforms.
Stingrays will be looking at sequencing sounds using the programme Scratch. They will start by being introduced to programming before creating their final project, a representation of a piano.
In Art, the children are going to be focusing on their sketching techniques. During which, they will explore using cross hatching, and other techniques to add depth and shadow to their sketches. Following this, the children will learn how to use watercolours effectively. They will use our trip and photos of Woodlesford Lock as inspiration for their final piece.
The children will start to learn numbers up to 31, which will then help them as we learn the days of the week and months of the year. They will then be able to say and read the date in Spanish.
The coaches are teaching the children the basic principles of rounders including moving around a space with agility and coordination, whilst throwing a ball with precision. We will also be looking at dance and the different ways we can move as weather.