Where in the World?
This half term, each class in KS1 will be learning about a different country. Orcas will learn about Brazil, Flying Fish will learn about Japan and Swordfish will learn about Australia. The children will find out about the geography of their country, explore its culture, create art work linked to their country and even make some food that would traditionally be eaten there. At the end of the term, we hope to invite parents and carers to a special Learn with Us assembly where each class will share what they have learnt.
Our English focus this half term is instructions. Children will learn to give, read and follow instructions before writing their own based on the book ‘How to sneak a Monster into school’ and their food technology project. We will talk about the features of instructions (headings, numbers, bullet points, adverbs, imperative verbs, time adverbials) and look for these in different pieces of writing.
In Maths, Year 1 will learn about shapes. They will name and identify a range of 2D and 3D shapes including circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, cubes, cuboids, spheres and pyramids. They will then begin to describe the properties of shapes using vocabulary including sides, corners, edges, faces, straight and curved. Once this unit of work is completed, Year 1 children will begin to think about numbers to 40 and work to secure their understanding of place value within a 2 digit number.
Year 2 will complete their work on fractions and begin to look at time. They will revisit reading and making o’clock and half past times before focusing on quarter past and quarter to times. Once this is secure, children will begin to read the time to 5 minute intervals. Please help your child become confident in telling the time by practising lots at home. Staff will be sending home some useful documents that will support you with this.
Our Science unit this half term is Living things and their Habitats. Children will learn about local and world habitats and the different types of plants and animals that live in them. They will explore how living things are adapted to live in their habitats and consider what might happen if a plant or animal was placed in an unsuitable habitat. Our visit to Lotherton Hall will include a workshop about habitats and a guided tour around Wildlife World. Using their prior knowledge about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, children will look at different food chains and use the words producer, consumer, predator and prey to describe them.
In PE, children will continue to develop their throwing and catching skills. They will also use their gymnastics skills to create simple sequences of movements.
PSHE will be taught through our Where in the World? work. Children will learn about playground games from different countries, the food associated with festivals and celebrations from their focus country and be taught the importance of sun safety.
In Music, the focus is performance which will be taught through a unit all about travel. Children will use tuned and untuned instruments, alongside their voices, to perform a range of different songs.
The focus for RE is special books and stories. Children will learn about special books for Christians and Muslims and the stories that are within them. They will explore the meanings of these stories and consider why they are so important to people of the Christian and Muslim faiths.
In computing, children will look at digital photography. They will get the opportunity to use different devices to take photographs and then evaluate their quality. Children will use the words portrait and landscape to describe the orientation of a photograph and decide when it is best to use each one.