Welcome back to Oulton Year 3 and 4. It really is lovely to have you back in school and learning. We are all really excited to have you back and are very excited about the year ahead.
Our class text is How To Train Your Dragon. This is a story about Hiccup trying to prove himself as a Viking Hero by taking part in the ancient traditions of the Hooligan Tribe – catching his very own dragon.
Children will be basing their writing this half term on either our class book or our History topic – Vikings. Part of our writing will involve children taking on the role of Hiccup and writing letters to his loved ones whilst completing a quest. We will also be exploring different types of poetry, completing fact files and even writing our own stories.
For this half term, we will look at the place value of numbers up to 1000 (Year 3) or 10 000 (Y4). We will then move on to the four operations on whole numbers. We will be learning about mental strategies and how to manipulate number so we are not over reliant on formal written methods.
We will also be practising our times tables every week and children need to ensure that they are practising at home every day as well.
During our science week we will be looking at sound. We will start by looking at how sound travels through a medium before then investigating pitch and how we can change this. We will also be trying to soundproof our rooms and attempt to investigate how far sound travels.
Our topic this half term is Vikings. Through our topic we will learn about the history of Vikings including where they traveled from, their Kings and Queens and even looking at some of their Norse Gods such as Thor, Loki and Odin. Within our topic, we will also be investigating how Vikings settled in England, their weapons and longboats and their religious beliefs.
Our art this half term is going to be linked to our History topic – Vikings. We are going to be researching the longboats that Viking used to travel between Scandinavia and England before planning on how to make our very own Viking longboat models. We will use cardboard to shape our boats before then using ModRoc to harden the shape. We will also be making our own sails, oars and shields for our models.
In our Spanish lessons we will be learning colours, how to greet friends and family and even some basic classroom instructions.
This half term we will be discussion and learning how to manage our feelings and emotions as well as learning about our Mindmate lesson for the half term – Feeling good and being me.
Our PE this half term will be being taught differently in each class.
Octopus: Basketball and Multi Skills (ran by Elite Kids Coaches)
Barracudas: Hockey and Multi Skills (ran by Elite Kids Coaches)
Flying Fish: Handball and Real PE