In Seahorses (Reception Class) we are learning about Madagascar, a large island off the coast of Africa.

As part of our new topic, the children will be learning about:

  • The climate in Madagascar and how it is different from the climate in England.
  • The Baobab trees in Madagascar and all the different uses of the tree.
  • The animals that are unique to Madagascar, including lemurs.
  • Some of the similarities and differences between the islands of the UK and Madagascar.


In their Phonics lessons and writing activities, the children will continue to learn to use their Fred fingers to write the letters they hear in words. Once the children have mastered learning to write words, they will be taught how to write a simple sentence.


In Maths, we will learn all about the numerals 8 and 9. We will be partitioning these numbers, learning our number bonds, one to one correspondence counting and learning the formation of numbers so we can write them correctly.

CLASS TRIP to Askham Bryan Wildlife Park on Thursday 14th March

The children are excited to visit the lemurs at Askham Bryan Wildlife Park and ask the zookeepers questions about them. They will also meet lots of other animals and wildlife at the park. If you would like your child to accompany us on the class trip you must complete the Google Form to give permission by Monday 11th March. The Google Form was included in a recent email to parents. If you need help paying your contribution for the trip or need help completing the Google Form, please contact the staff in the school office.

RECYCLE and REUSE! Instead of putting these items in your bin please give them to us:

  • Birthday cards – we like to cut out the pictures on the cards and use them to make new cards.
  • Envelopes – please save the envelopes you get in the post that have a clear plastic window. We like to use them to put our pictures inside. Please do NOT send us envelopes with your address on.
  • Empty kitchen roll tubes – we like to use them to make telescopes.
  • Plastic bottle tops and corks – we like to use them in the water tray.
  • Pans, metal bowls, metal jugs and metal utensils – we use them in our outside Mud Kitchen.

In Clownfish (Nursery) we are learning all about ‘Farms.’

We will begin our topic by reading the traditional tale, The Three Little Pigs. We will learn to retell the story by using Pie Corbett actions for the words. We will enjoying acting out the story in our roleplay area with the Three Little Pigs houses that we make. At the end of this half term we will put on a small performance of The Three Little Pigs for our parents/grandparents.

We will also read the story, Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell and will learn more about farm animals and Spring.


In Phonics we will be playing Fred Talk games all term. We will be trying to become secure in orally blending and segmenting words before starting in Reception in September.

You can help with this at home, as little and often will be the key to us becoming confident with oral blending. For example, at different times in your day you could use ‘Fred Talk’ to talk to your child. Can you put your c-oa-t on please? Or, do you want to read a b-oo-k?

We have also begun Read, Write, Inc phonics lessons and are learning the sounds each letter makes. For example, ‘sss’ for snake.


In Maths our big focus this term is number 3. We will be reading stories like Goldilocks and the Three bears, so that we can count all the things that come in 3’s.

We will continue to look at recognising numerals 1-5, subitising numbers to 5 by being able to say the amount without counting them and using positional language.

Every day we talk through daily patterns- What day it is, what day came before, what day will it be tomorrow. We sing and count the days of the week as well.


Author Year EYFS

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