
In English, we are narratives. We have already planned and written some short, scary stories and thoroughly enjoyed being spooked by the examples shared in class! We are now focusing on adventure fiction. We are going to be exploring features of stories full of adventure and which will build up to us planning and writing our own based on a photo stimulus.

Spelling rules for next half term see separate sheet.


We use the Maths No Problem Primary Maths Series from Year 1 to Year 6

It is a child-centered approach, which is fun to teach, using physical resources, problem solving and group work. The series is fully aligned with the national curriculum.

This half term, we are moving on to look at fractions, decimals, percentages and geometry. A good recall of number facts, including times tables, is vital for all topics so they need to be practised regularly.


Our topic of Earth and Space has begun and will continue until the half term break in February. Year 5 are already enthusiastic and inquisitive about this topic- some children have already began their own investigations!  After half term, we are moving on to the topic Marvellous Maps. We are hoping to organise a local walk during this half term to give children the opportunity to follow a map and to explore history in their area.


Our first science week has been organised for the week commencing 21/01/19. Children in Year 5 will be exploring Earth and Space in great detail during this week. In Spring 2, our science week will be focused on the topic reproduction: changes to animals and humans – a date for this science week is tbc.


We are making cross-curricular links this term to engage children with art. Spring 1 will involve planning and making models of the solar system. This will involve practising and selecting appropriate materials for constructing and finishing our designs. During Spring 2, we are going to be exploring Banksy. We will get the opportunity to create pieces of work based on our favourite pieces of his work.

Spellings for Spring:

-ough, various sounds with the same spelling.

drought, dough, rough, cough, through, plough etc.

Frequently mis-spelt words. These will be selected by the teacher as it will be dependent on the class. Examples of words chosen may be on the Year 5/6 spelling list.


Words ending with -gue or -que

e.g. rogue, vague, fatigue, mosque, unique.

Rule: ‘i before e except after c’

Identifying words which follow the rule and of course the exceptions to the rule:

piece, receipt, receive, science.



-ent, ence, ency

Words ending in the above suffixes linking to word class of each.

e.g. frequent, frequence, frequency



All rules learnt this half term- spelling test on first week back after February half term.



-ant -ance -ancy

Words ending in the above suffixes linking to word class of each.

e.g. expectant, expectance, expectancy



Words with the suffix -cious

e.g. conscious, delicious, malicious, ferocious



Words with the suffix -tious

e.g. ambitious, facetious, gumptious

Words with the suffix -cian (occupations)

e.g. optician, politician, magician, musician


All rules learnt this half term- spelling test on first week back after Easter.



Oulton Primary School

Author Oulton Primary School

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