In English this term, we will be focusing on myths and legends. Children will be exposed to various texts, new and old, and will be given the opportunity to reflect on the main characters and what they are well-known for. From this, children will be planning and creating various pieces of work, particularly focusing on the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
We have been exploring a new spelling scheme recently and the children have enjoyed using their spelling journals to practise new rules in a method in which they find most useful. The learning strategies shown introduced incrementally throughout the scheme and can be used to support learning at home. Please ask if you would like a copy of the strategies.
We use the Maths No Problem Primary Maths Series from Year 1 to Year 6.
It is a child-centered approach, which is fun to teach, using physical resources, problem solving and group work. The series is fully aligned with the national curriculum.
This half term, we are moving on to look at position and movement, area, perimeter, volume and roman numerals. A good recall of number facts, including times tables, is vital for all topics so they need to be practised regularly.
Our topic of Raging Rivers has begun and will continue until May half term. Year 5 are already enthusiastic and inquisitive about this topic- some children have already completed some research on famous rivers! After half term, we are moving on to the topic Ancient Egyptians. Children will explore the way the Egyptians use to live and learn some amazing facts about their history.
Our science fortnight for this term will be on the weeks commencing 10/06/2019 and 17/06/2019. Children in Year 5 will be exploring properties and changes in materials in great detail. They will also have many opportunities to complete investigations and experiments.
We are making cross-curricular links this term to engage children with art. Summer 1 will involve planning and making 3D river model. This will involve practising and selecting appropriate materials for constructing and finishing our designs. During Summer 2, we are going to be exploring textiles. In addition to this, we have planned a food technology week to give children the opportunity to plan and make a cultural dish.