We’ve got another busy half-term ahead of us in LKS2 but we’re very excited about our learning.
In this half term, we will continue reading our class novel – The Accidental Prime Minister. We are really enjoying following Tom and Ajay on their adventure and are excited to see what they get up to next. They’ve already made some hilarious changes to how England is run and have some very interesting plans for the future of our country.

Over this half term, we are going to be looking at a variety of different writing genres. We’ll be writing an explanation text on Eid al-Fitr, a fantasy narrative based on a Literacy Shed video, some newspaper reports linking to our Geography work on Climate and Weather and even some Non-fiction pieces linking to our Science work.
It’s really important to make sure that we are writing for different purposes and audiences and we will be exploring how we will need to change our writing style to fit the required audience and purpose.
At the start of the half term, Y3 will continue their work on Money before then beginning their new topics Time and Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs.
As always, we will develop our mental maths skills and apply them to a range of problems. We will also be looking to build in opportunities to review topics that have already been covered to strengthen our understanding as well as practising our times table and division facts. Any work at home to support this is always appreciated.
Climate and Weather
Over the next 6 weeks, we are extremely excited to begin looking at Climate and Weather. We will be looking at what causes some of our most extreme weather as well as comparing the climates from countries across the world.
In Design and Technology this half term, we will be looking at Food Technology, specifically what is required to make a nutritious meal and then planning, preparing, cooking and evaluating a meal.
We will be focusing on Healthy Pizzas and may even have a surprise trip planned…

Over the course of the half term, we will be asking ourselves ‘How do Jews remember God’s covenant with Abraham and Moses?’
We will be diving into the life of Abraham and Moses and how their stories still impact Jewish people today.

Food Technology is also the theme of our Music. We will be looking at performances and composing word rhythms, singing a round and creating musical recipes.
All classes over the next half term will be learning Volleyball and Athletics.
For Flying Fish and Stingrays, Elite Kids Coaches will be teaching them Volleyball.