We have welcomed our Year 5 and 6 pupils into the new school year and we have a very busy, and exciting, half term in store for them!
In our English, we will be looking at developing our writing skills by studying different grammatical tools. We will investigate these tools and consider the impact they have on our writing and how a good writer can use these to their advantage.
We are starting a new class book, The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd. In this story, we follow siblings Tom and Kat in resolving the mystery of their missing cousin, Salim. They watch him board the London Eye and once the pod lands, everyone leaves, except Salim.
We already can’t wait to see how this story unfolds!
We are always working on our mental maths skills and strategies in Year 5 and 6. This half term is no different as we will continue to discuss and practise the best mental strategies for solving problems.
Alongside this, we will also be learning about Place Value, including reading and writing numbers up to 1,000,000. Pupils will be comparing, ordering, rounding and calculating with numbers, using bar models to help them. Following this, Year 5 and 6 will progress onto calculating with large numbers using the four operations to solve calculations and word problems.
Our next Science week will be w/c 10.10.2022 for both year groups. Year 5’s Science week will be focused on Animals Including Humans. The children will explore and identify different life cycles. They will also get opportunities to investigate changes during the existence of animals and humans, studying the similarities and differences between species. Year 6’s focus will be on Living Things and their Habitats. During this topic, the children will be exploring and investigating the remarkable plants and animals that make up our planet.
Journey of Migration
In History this half term, we are going to be learning what is meant by migration. We are then going to be exploring why people, past and present, have entered and left Great Britain. We will be reflecting on different countries, parts of history, and other factors which have influenced migration in the past, alongside exploring what changes migration has brought to our country.
Throughout this year, Year 5 will be attending weekly swimming lessons at our local leisure centre. This is something they are really looking forward to and know the importance of.
In PE, Year 5 and 6 will be focusing on Basketball throughout this half term. In addition to this, Year 6 will be enhancing their skills in Sports Hall Athletics sessions.
Home Support
We hope you will continue to promote your child’s learning at home by regularly listening to them read (and recording this in their planner), practising times tables and allocating time for them to practise/test their spellings. This really does make a difference!