Teaching and Learning in Year 6 – Summer 1

By 01/04/2021March 31st, 2022News, Year 6

In Year 6, we have lots of fantastic learning planned for this half term!


In our English, we will be looking at developing our writing skills by studying different grammatical tools. We will investigate these tools and consider the impact they have on our writing and how a good writer can use these to their advantage.

We will also continue reading our class text from last half term, Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell. In this story, we follow Feo and Ilya on a dangerous adventure across Russia to rescue Feo’s mother who has been kidnapped by the Tsar’s army. Unbeknownst to them, this journey will lead them into the heart of a revolution.


We are always working on our mental maths skills and strategies in Year 6. This half term is no different as we will continue to discuss and practise the best mental strategies for solving problems.

Alongside this, we will also be learning about position and movement in coordinate grids. We will learn the difference between translation and reflection and even begin to show movement of a shape using algebra!


For our science week this half term, we will be learning about light. During our science week, we will learn about how we see, shadows, refraction and reflection. WE will also begin to explore how light travels and how this relates to us seeing objects.

Enough for Everyone

Our topic this half term has a geography focus. In Enough for Everyone, we look at sources of energy and whether these are renewable or non-renewable. We will also learn about where our food travels from around the world and the impact this has on the environment. Through geography, we will begin to consider what conservation means and how we can do our bit to protect our planet.


This half term we will be learning how to sew. In theme with our geography, we will be ‘upcycling’ old t-shirts. Our aim is to transform these t-shirts into handy reusable bags! As our topic encourages us to reduce waste, we will also be using the offcuts from the reusable bags into something else; perhaps a pencil case, a smaller bag or a coin purse!


In our PE lessons, we will be developing our skills in invasion games.

Year Six

Author Year Six

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