This term, our English will mainly be linked to our History topic of Local transport. The children will get the opportunity to record a road safety advert, create a leaflet about the local area and also take part in some poetry activities.
Most of our Math’s work this term will be centred around decimals. We will start the half term by looking into how to read and write decimals and then move onto adding, subtracting and rounding decimals.
Our Science this term will be Living Things and their Habitats. Through this topic, the children will learn about plants, metamorphosis and comparing life cycles. We will also look into the work of Jane Goodall and her contributions to conservation. Another responsibility for Year 5 this term, will be to look after our strawberry patch. The children will have to weed and tidy, water and tend to the strawberries over the coming weeks in the hope that we will have some nice ripe, red strawberries to pick in Summer term!
The children will continue to go swimming on a Tuesday with their class teachers and will be doing Cricket or Dance in their second lesson of the week.
Linking in with our Science, the music theme for this half term is ‘Life Cycles’. The children will explore a variety of moods, styles and genres to inspire their singing, composing and performing skills.