Year 5 have had a busy half term and have been involved in lots of exciting things!

Our English this term linked in nicely to our class text and our Geography as we based most of our writing around the topic of Climate Change. From learning all about Sir David Attenborough, to writing a persuasive letter to our local MP, Alec Shelbrooke, Year 5 have shown a keen interest in how we can help look after our planet and what more we need to be doing to create a brighter future for everyone. Towards the end of the half term, Year 5 also had the opportunity to write the opening to an adventure narrative, giving them the opportunity to let their imaginations and creativity run wild.
In Maths this half term, our main topic has been Fractions. Everyone has worked really hard on comparing fractions, finding equivalent fractions, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions. We even used chocolate to find and compare fractions! Year 5 have also done some work on Graphs and developed their understanding of reading and interpreting different types of data.

We have joined David Attenborough in his fight to reduce plastic pollution alongside learning of ways to reduce the effects of climate change. From looking at how to reduce our own Carbon Footprint to carrying out our own fieldwork, Year 5 have immersed themselves into this subject matter and will hopefully take their learning with them into the future.

This term has been all about Earth and Space. Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed this topic and learning about our Solar System. We even had a visit from a special guest with a planetarium. During the visit, our Year 5s and 6s were able to learn about the creation of our solar system and journey through space with the asteroid Bennu. The children have also been filling in their own Moon diaries at home.
Design and Technology
Linking in nicely to our Science topic, we have been learning all about Space Food. The children have looked at how nutritious different types of foods are, how food can be sent to space and also the importance of texture and taste for those aboard the ISS. At the end of the term, Year 5 even had the opportunity to make some savoury buns and develop their cooking skills.
This has also linked into our Earth and Space topic as the children have been linking their Music to the Sounds of the Solar System. We have been learning different songs to sing and rap and looked into different textures and tempos.
The children have been attending swimming sessions with their class teachers this term and also doing Gymnastics with Mrs Dixon and Mrs Schofield.
Our PSHE this term has been centred around Health and Wellbeing and also Internet Safety. We have had Internet Safety Week this term and also a visit from a local PCSO to learn all about the dangers surrounding things like social media and how to keep ourselves safe on the internet.
In Spanish, we have been learning the different names for types of clothing and also food. Me gusta el helado!