After a busy first half term in Year 3/4, we are very much looking forward to finishing the first term in high spirits in the run up to Christmas. Our class novel for this half term is ‘Polar Bears Explorer Club’. We will be basing our Writing, Topic (Mountains and Earthquakes) and our Science (States of Matter) around this. Including; writing a narrative piece on a video; Rock, Paper, Scissors, a news report on the earthquake in Nepal and a diary entry linked to climbing Mount Everest!
In Maths, we are going to be looking at multiplication and division facts in both Year 3 and Year 4. We will be learning how to recall this quickly and accurately and solving word problems.
Children need to ensure that they are practising at home every day as this will improve their efficiency and accuracy.
During our Science week, we will be learning about ‘States of Matter’. This includes learning about; The Water Cycle, Evaporation and the Changing States of water including melting and freezing. We will also be conducting experiments throughout the week.
Mountains and Earthquakes
Our Geography topic for this half term is ‘Mountains and Earthquakes’. We will be learning about lots of different mountains around the world and here in the UK, plotting these on a map with the use of an atlas, comparing and contrasting them, looking at the different physical features of these and understanding how these have changed over time.
In Art, we are going to be focusing on and improving our sketching techniques and moving on to using watercolours. This will be linked to our Geography topic of Mountains and Earthquakes.
In Spanish, we will be focusing on learning the names of different animals and asking questions to help with translating things.
In RE, we will be learning about ‘How important events are remembered in ceremonies’ across a number of different faiths.
In Music, we will be; singing new Songs, Pitch-matching , listening and thinking and pitch awareness.
Our PE this half term will be being taught differently in each class.
Octopus: Handball and Multi Skills (ran by Elite Kids Coaches)
Barracudas: Basketball and Real PE
Flying Fish: Hockey and Multi Skills (ran by Elite Kids Coaches)