We are thrilled to welcome the children back into school.
We are so proud of how resilient they have been over the last couple of months and how they have returned to school eager to learn.
The children are going to use Samuel Pepys’ diary to help them to retell the main events from the Great Fire of London. They will make predictions based on what they have read and use different question openers to hot seat significant historical figures such as Samuel Pepys and King Charles II. They will also look at features of diary writing including key dates, sub-headings and pictures.
During their written tasks, the children are always encouraged to write sentences independently, punctuate them correctly and to use a range of conjunctions to extend their sentences (and, but, so, because, when, if). Making writing lively and interesting is also key so the children are always encouraged to use carefully chosen verbs, adjectives and adverbs to add key detail. It is important that children apply what they have learnt in Phonics so don’t forget to keep practicing those spelling rules at home!
Children have started to learn to tell the time to o’clock and half past times. They have also learnt how to sequence times and estimate durations of time. On their return to school, our learning about time will be paused while we assess children’s understanding of key areas of Maths we have already covered (place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions). This will help guide our planning and teaching over the coming weeks. We are keen that children continue to practise telling the time at home, moving to quarter past and quarter to when they are confident.
The children have already started to name and recognise objects made from a range of materials and have described their simple physical properties. The children will continue to group objects based on the materials they are made from and their physical features i.e. magnetic/non-magnetic, smooth/ rough, strong/weak etc.. They will identify why a material would/would not be suitable to make an object i.e. a wooden table, a chocolate kettle, a paper handbag, a metal phone etc. They will also investigate which materials can be squashed, bent, twisted and stretched.
Can the children find and describe a range of materials at home?
The children have already taken on a very special role as London tourist guides to provide key information about the human and physical features people can visit within our capital city. They have also labelled the countries and capital cities within the United Kingdom and learnt that the North Sea, Irish Sea and the English Chanel surround England.
The children are going to learn that the Great Fire of London started during the Tudor period, in September 1666. They will discover that Samuel Pepys wrote a diary about the Great Fire of London which helped us to know what happened in the past. They will learn that the fire spread quickly because of the weather and how close the houses were together. They will also learn that King Charles II was King when the Great Fire of London happened.
Design and Technology
The children will use a range of sources, including the internet, to research Tudor houses. They will then draw and label a Tudor house design before using a range of materials to make it. They will select appropriate materials and tools to make their houses and learn how to join different materials together. Finally, they will suggest ways their Tudor house can be improved and/or changed.
The children have already started to identify different ways to keep themselves safe. They will learn about emergencies which might happen at home and discuss ways they can keep themselves and others safe. As part of their work, the children are going to have a virtual visit from Rothwell Fire Station to discuss fire safety.
The children will also learn rules for staying safe outside, including telling someone where they are playing and the importance of not talking to strangers. They will also recognise the hazards on and around the road and learn the Green Cross Code (stop, look and listen) to cross the road safely.
The children have gained a better understanding of searching on the Internet. They have learnt about search engines, web browsers, the World Wide Web and the internet. They have identified the basic parts of a web search engine and read a web search results page. They will use their knowledge to create a leaflet that will help someone search for information on the Internet.