We’ve got another busy half-term ahead of us in Year 6 but we’re very excited about our learning.
Our class text this half-term is Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This is a story of a young boy whose family decides to sail around the world together. During a storm, Michael gets knocked off the boat and is washed up on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Michael can’t find food or water but one morning he wakes up to a plate of fish and fruit. He’s not alone on this island.
Children will begin by writing a balanced argument for and against sailing around the world with their family. As the story continues, we read entries from Michael’s ship’s log and so the children write their own ship’s log-imagining what a good day and a bad day might be like aboard a ship. We then look at short stories before the children write their own. As the story draws to an end, the children will have an opportunity to write a letter from one of the main characters in the story before putting them in a bottle to ‘send out to sea’!
This half-term has started with Year 6 continuing their work with fractions. We will then move onto decimals. We will look to build on our understanding of fractions and begin to link them to our work on decimals.
As always, we will continue to practise our times-tables. During this half-term, we will also begin to build our mental maths skills.
During our science week, we will be looking at adaptation and evolution. We will start the week by looking at inheritance and how animals and plants can adapt to their environment in order to survive. We then look at the process of fossilisation and how we can use fossils to explain the process of evolution.
The Amazing Americas
Our topic this half-term has a geography focus. Through our topic, we will learn about North and South America. We begin by building our atlas skills by locating both continents on a map and labelling the countries in South America. Moving forward from there, we will do an in depth study of Brazil. Starting with looking at their economy before moving on to cover deforestation and the rainforest.
Our art is linked to our class novel. We will continue to develop our water colour skills to create a painting that looks like the cover of our class novel. We will practise creating a gradient effect with our water colours before adding detail to our work, such as the wave and the boat.
During Religious Education this half-term, we will be discussing and learning about what it means to be Sikh. We will look at key Sikh beliefs and practices.
In our music lessons, we will look at keeping a steady rhythm and begin to create our own simple musical rhythm.
Our PE this half-term will be orienteering and yoga. Through this, we will be able to practise many key skills including map reading, stamina and balancing.