The children’s work this half term is going to be based around the narratives ‘Cuddle’ and ‘Handa’s Surprise’. The children will retell the main events from each story and then use their wonderful imaginations to create their own.
Throughout, the children will be encouraged to think of their own sentences, start each sentence with a capital letter, make good attempts at spelling using their phonic knowledge and end each sentence with a full stop. The children will also be encouraged to use the conjunction ‘and’ to extend their ideas and to use adjectives to add detail.
It’s a busy term with children learning about addition and subtraction to 10 before moving onto numbers to 20. They will do this using lots of different equipment including cubes, counters and base 10. The children will also use models such as tens frames and part-whole models and be encouraged to solve problems through jottings and pictures. We will also explore position and using positional language. If you would like help in supporting your child in Maths, please look at our handy ‘Calculating in KS1’ guide.
Our focus this half term in Science is seasonal changes. The children will go on an Autumn walk around the school grounds to identify signs of Autumn and then show what they have learnt back in the classroom. The children will also observe other changes overtime including looking closely at our daily weather conditions and temperatures.
The children will sculpt an animal out of clay. Throughout, they will use a range of tools and equipment to show the key features of their chosen animal. The children will also use observational drawings to show patterns within nature.
In Geography, the children will become tourist guides to identify the human and physical features within Kenya. They will also look at the climate within Africa and compare with the seasonal changes and weather patterns in the United Kingdom.
The children will learn a dinosaur dance and work collaboratively to improvise their own movements in time to music. They will look at the beat of the drum linked to African music and dance. They will also continue to master other key skills including balancing, throwing and catching.
In preparation for Christmas, the children will learn about a range of different celebrations and offer ways in which they are celebrated.
Keeping safe is the focus for this half term. The children will discuss various ways they can keep themselves and others safe and identify a range of adults they can talk to if they have a problem.