Our final topic this year is ‘Going for Gold’. This is based on learning around the Summer 2021 Olympics due to be held in Tokyo.
The children will produce writing linked to books they are reading in their Read Write Inc. groups. They will write for a range of purposes, plan their work and learn to make careful additions and revisions to what they have already written.
Children will continue learning of the four operations, resuming with work on multiplication and division before starting to look at time.
If you would like help in supporting your child in Maths, please look at our handy ‘Calculating in KS1’ guide.
In our science week this term, we will be looking at ‘Animals, including humans’, with a specific focus on working scientifically.
We will identify and name a variety of common animals and determine if they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. To learn more about this, we are going to visit the chicken pens and interview Mr Westmoreland to find out key information about how he looks after his chickens and what he feeds them. This will lead on nicely to dissecting animal poo (pretend!) to investigate which poo came from which animal.
Children will also learn to identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Children will learn about the history of the Olympics with a focus on London 2012 and associated significant individuals.
Naoshima Island, also know as ‘Art Island’ in Japan, will be the focus of our art this half term. Children will look at the art on display around the island, carefully observing the range of art and design techniques used. We will look at work by Tadao Ando and Yayoi Kasuma to design and create our own Naoshima sculpture, using clay.
To continue our Japanese theme, children will be listening and responding to Japanese music. We will then look at previous Olympic opening ceremony music to create our own musical score for the opening ceremony, using percussion instruments.
In PSHE, our topic is ‘What do we put into and onto our bodies?’. We will learn about what can go into or onto bodies and how it can make people feel. Children will be taught basic safety rules and to ask for help if they are unsure.
In our final computing unit, we will be learning about ‘Technology outside school’. Children will look at different types of technology in and outside school. We will also revisit learning on designing and making e-books.
Over the half term, children will master basic movements, including running, jumping, throwing and catching to apply them to a range of athletics activities. At the end of the half term, KS1 will hold their own Olympics.