Welcome to Key Stage One!
We are thrilled to welcome the children into Year One and hope they have had lots of fun so far.
We are so proud of how easily the children have adapted to their new classroom and routines.
They are going to have a great year!
It’s an exciting time of the year so the children have already written a letter to share some news about their new class and year group. We hope they enjoy posting their letters and we cannot wait to receive your replies.
The children are going to listen to the rhyme ‘There was an old lady who Swallowed a fly’ and use key actions to recite it. Their recital will be filmed and shown to the rest of school as part of our whole-school poetry week celebrations.
The children will then move on to writing the rhyme. They will be encouraged to think of their own sentences, start each sentence with a capital letter, make good attempts at spelling using their phonic knowledge and end each sentence with a full stop. The children will also be encouraged to use the conjunction ‘and’ to extend their ideas and to use adjectives to add detail.
Children will consolidate their understanding of numbers to 10, including adding and subtracting within 10. They will use lots of different equipment including cubes and counters alongside models and images such as tens frames and part-whole models. Children will also be encouraged to solve problems through jottings and pictures.
If you would like help in supporting your child in Maths, please look at our handy ‘Calculating in KS1’ guide.
Our focus this half term is ‘Animals, including Humans.’
The children have learned the basic parts of the human body and described the functions of each. They have also identified which part of the body is associated with each sense and will explore this in more detail later in the term.
The amazing artists ‘Andy Wahol’ and ‘Pablo Piccaso’ will inspire our artwork this half term. The children will be encouraged to describe the similarities and differences between the different artists’ work and use their styles and techniques to create their own self-portraits.
The children have already taken on a very special role as a tourist guide to provide key information about Rothwell, Woodlesford and Oulton. They have been introduced to the terms cities, towns and villages and have tried hard to identify the human and physical features around our school grounds and within their local area. They are currently busy creating information posters to try and persuade people to visit our local area. We look forward to hearing about their own local area on the Year 2 Purple Mash blog!
We’re going to go back in time to learn about the changes within our local area. Children will look closely at photographs of houses, schools and transport and use clues within these photographs to identify whether they were taken in the past or present.
We are excited to announce that, this year, we are very lucky to have Elite Kids Coaches teaching PE to our Year 1 children every Thursday. They will use their expertise to help children develop basic movements and skills including running, jumping, balance, agility and co-ordination. It would be helpful for the children to continue practicing these key skills at home.
The term’s work will focus on ‘Feelings’. We will use ‘Mood Monsters’ and the ‘Zones of Regulation’ to help children identify and recognise a range of emotions and find strategies to help them effectively manage and express these.
We are hoping to start our Music Workshop sessions very soon. During these sessions, the children will be encouraged to use their voices effectively to change the dynamics and pitch of different songs. They will also learn how to use body percussion and percussion instruments to show rhythm and tempo.
Please don’t forget to log onto Purple Mash!
Purple Mash by 2Simple
Purple Mash is an award-winning website for nursery and primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. www.purplemash.com |
We have written a blog to provide additional information about the children’s’ learning and set ‘2DO Tasks’ for them to complete.